Domestic violence is a serious issue that affects many people in our communities. On 28th April, Dublin Community Mediation's Breege Kennedy and Mary O'Flaherty represented the organisation at the Joint Policing Committee (JPC) meeting in the SDCC Council Chambers, invited by Mayor Emma Murphy, to help raise awareness about this critical issue.
At the meeting, the Gardaí reported on the Go Purple Day initiative, which aims to raise awareness of domestic violence, show support to victims, and highlight available support services.
Shockingly, they reported 77 breaches of safety/protection/barring orders and 361 incidents of domestic violence in the Tallaght/Rathfarnham area this year alone. However, the Gardaí reassured the public that all breaches and incidents are being thoroughly investigated.
Dublin Community Mediation is doing its part by ratifying their Domestic Violence policy, which is now available to all members. The organisation is proud to support An Garda Siochána's Go Purple Day initiative. Let's continue to raise awareness and work together to end domestic violence for good.